The 16th Prince is born.

Lavinia O'Connor, a daughter of the royal envoy, Chris Dave O’Conner, becomes nanny for the prince.


Princess Melissa is born.


Midsummer, Dwain Delaney, the cousin of The 15th Prince, arrives from Lewinton Shire to imform Queen Magdalena, her nephew Sir Gareth of Lewinton is dead.

The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer and their children The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa rush to Lewinton Casle to participate in the funual of Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Lavinia O'Connor follows as nanny.

Adam Riche at The Royal Theatre, gives Fenella Twinley and Neville Books vication from the Theatre to participate at the funual, since they both are from Lewinton Shire.

Adam Riche sends his son, Raymond Riche, with them, to keep an eye on Fenella Twinley and Neville Books.

Queen Beatrice insist her brother, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer, follows them as bodyguard with his wife, Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter.

At Mareton, Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally awaits them.

Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally joins The 15th Prince with his lover Selina Backer and his liuetanant Eli Backer and his girlfriend, Finola Milies.

Late Summer at Larch Croft, Cusla and Mae Books join them party too, and they travel the last bit to Lewinton Castle.

Jeany Books would have liked to go too, but she's to old to do the voyage, so she stayed home.

At the end of Late Summer, the party reache Lewinton Town, they split up.

The 15th Prince and Princess Beatrice of Chetzer, their children, The 16th Prince, and the Princesses Rebecca and Melissa, their bodyguards, Sir Craiq Of Chetzer and Ashley Chetzer, and their son Ed Chezter, their nanny, Lavinia O'Conner settles in a vacant appartment at the casle.

Sir Tobias Leon of Hourn Vally gets his own appartment at The Crown next to The House of Malbourgh, where he lives with his lover, Selina Backer, and his bodyguards, Eli Backer and Finola Milies.

The entertainers, Jopling, Eileen and Fenella Twinley, Raymond Riche, Cusla, Mae and Neville Books, installs them self at the Theatre next to the Crown.

Dwain Delaney continues to the harper, to see his parents.

Next day, Kieran, Bella and Dwain Delaney brings the coffin to Sir Gareth of Lewinton at the Castle, and since Bella Delaney and The 15th Prince are relatives, they pay The 15th Prince a visit too.


The 15th Prince and princess Beatrice Lady of Chetzer arrives to Lewinton, with their children The 16th Prince and the two princess Rebecca and Melissa, to make a decision on who's going to engeirage Lewinton Shire.


Princess Rebecca visits Wondon.

Sir Thomas gets arrested for sleeping with Princess Rebecca at Witch Cottage and he gets arrested and brought to the dungeon of Kingston Casle.

Princess Rebecca marries Sir Thomas of Wondon at King's Castle at Kingston shire. Hence, she became Lady Rebecca of Wondon.


Lady Rebecca and Sir Thomas of Wondon arrives at Wondon.


Lady Stefani of Wondon was born.


Spring Equinox The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh comes visiting the sister of the Prince, Lady Rebecca of Wondon.

Sir William of Wondon was born.

Late Spring Sir Thomas promises to send someone to Grossbourgh Casle to keep an eye on his nephew, Sir Robert of Lewinton and look after Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh.


The 16th Prince, he is send to Turain Shire to take care of the flod at Turain and he visits his sister Lady Rebecca of Wondon at his way.


The 15th King dies, and and The 16th Prince had to return from Turain to be crowned as the new king. He visits his sister, Lady Rebecca of Wondon at his way home.


Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon recieves the news from Eliot Full, he orders his Stableman, Natan Meligan, to take his wife and own children, Nicolas and Christina, and Lady Rebecca and their children, Sir William and Lady Stefani down to the old Witch Cottage in the Deep Forest, and protect them.

Erly Autumn At arrival of the Witch Cottage, Lady Rebecca sends of Natan Meligan as an envoy to Kingston, where he shall inform her brother the 16th King and her sister, Princess Melissa, about the attack, and get some help, while she and Nancy Meligan take care of the children at the cottage.

Robin Lound takes Natan Meligan to Gully Port, where he have a boat, and sail him to Kingston, where they arrive a month later.

Autumn Equinox They needs supplies for staying at the cottage. Lady Rebecca of Wondon have Nicolas Meligan to enter Logger's Dell to get supplies from the Loggers, while Sir William and Lady Stefani of Wondon stay hiden at the forest to cover him.

During his visits at Logger's Dell, Nicolas Meligan leans, that Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie are hiden at the dell too.

Chelsey (Bowers) Noneman and her daughter in law Amanda Cadham Noneman together with her children Peter and Elissa have been there too, but have moved on to Filly Point to make more room for the rest.

Nicolas Meligan falls in love with Melanie Noneman, the daughter of Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman, when he visits the Loggers.

There are no news from the Castle or the town, so Lady Rebecca of Wondon gets worried for Sir Thomas.

Late Autumn At Logger's Dell, Sir Robert of Malbourgh, guided by Martin and Beth Valdor, finds Micheal and Julie Warren, their son, Ricky and Theresa (Reise) Owens with her children Frederic and Katie, Hannah (Lamp) Noneman and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank. Nicolas Meligan is here too, to kiss Melanie and get supplies.

When one of the Malbourghian soldiers, Tim Dade, threatens to rape Melanie Noneman, Lady Rebecca jumps out of the forest and wounds Tim Dade. Sir Benjamin jumps forward and whomps Lady Rebecca with his sword, and she sinks to the ground.

Before Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh can kill Lady Rebecca of Wondon, Sir William of Wondon comes out of the forest, and he wounds Sir Benjamin, before he's wounded himself by Alfredo Barta.

Nicolas Meligan kills the soldier, who wounds Sir William of Wondon and together they are running to the forest. Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh runs after them, and wounds Nicolas Melanie before they disapears into the forest.

The Malbourghian soldiers run after them into the forest, and Dawn Noneman and Beth Valdor rush to see, if they can save the life of Lady Rebecca of Wondon.

Moments later, the soldiers reappears from the forest with Sir Benjamin, who is wounded by an arrow. He's racing forward to kill Lady Rebecca.

Early Winter At The Temple Ruin the body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon are placed in a vault under the Temple Ruin.